Research Stay at Heriot-Watt University

Researcher María Jiménez Castro carried out a research stay at the Intercultural Research Centre of Heriot-Watt University under the supervision of Dr. Katerina Strani, head of the Cultural Studies section. This collaboration not only made significant progress in her doctoral thesis, but also contributed to the development of TRAMASS SO3: “To identify the role of transcreation, and its strategies and processes, in the adaptation of health information materials and resources, as well as to define the role of the agents involved in the process”.

At the beginning of her stay, she presented the state of her doctoral thesis in a seminar. This session was attended by members of the Intercultural Research Centre and the Centre for Translation & Interpreting Studies in Scotland, as well as PhD students from the department. To find out more about her research stay, you can read this post from the blog Life in LINCS, which belongs to the Department of Languages and Intercultural Studies of the same university.

Finally, at the end of her stay, she took part in The International Postgraduate Conference in Translation and Interpreting (IPCITI) as a speaker on the panel “Translation and Conflict”. At this conference, she was able to present the objectives of her thesis linked to the TRAMASS project. In particular, she focused on explaining the context of migration in Spain, as well as the role that transcreation can play in adapting health materials for migrants and refugees.

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