
The TRAMASS Project (PID2022-143015OB-I00) focuses on translation, transcreation and cultural mediation as key tools for inclusion in the field of health information and services. This project was born with the aim of overcoming the challenges of multilingual communication, based on the experience accumulated in previous projects led by Dr. M.D. Olvera-Lobo.

Among the most relevant previous projects are:

PAIMME (HAR2012-38562): Platform for the analysis and access to multilingual web information on monuments in Spain. Funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation in the Call of the National Plan for R+D+i, Fundamental Research Program.

LOCWEB (CSO2015-64532-R): Web localization of Spanish SMEs for multilingual dissemination, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, within the State Program for R+D+i Oriented to the Challenges of Society, with funds from the Spanish Research Agency and co-financing from ERDF funds.

TRANSCREAWEB (RTI2018-093348-B-I00): web transcreation for the dissemination of corporate information of SMEs in the health sector, funded by the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, and the Spanish Research Agency, also with support from ERDF funds.

TRANSMARTUR (B-SEJ-402-UGR20): Transcreation and digital marketing for the web dissemination of Andalusian SMEs in the tourism sector, funded by the Department of University, Research and Innovation of the Regional Government of Andalusia, within the framework of the Andalusia ERDF Operational Program.

The success of these projects is due to the collaboration of an interdisciplinary team composed of specialists in areas such as languages, translation, documentation, communication and gender studies. The team has strengthened its capacity with the incorporation of experts in health and social services, broadening its experience and opening new avenues of research and application.