Study seeks to know which are the best strategies for communication on Instagram of content about migrant minors

Social networks have become a powerful ally in the dissemination of social messages and the promotion of change. This is why individuals and organizations have focused their efforts on how to best take advantage of the opportunities of networks as diverse as TikTok or Instagram to bring information closer. It is on the latter that the researchers of the TRAMASS team, María Dolores Olvera Lobo and Juan Ignacio Martin Neira, joined by researcher Magdalena Trillo Domínguez, have focused their eyes, taking as a starting point the visual approach of Instagram and the majority profile of its users, to delve into issues related to young people and migration.

This is why they analyzed four campaigns published by prominent Spanish organizations (NGOs), or those based in Spain, which have developed initiatives to raise awareness and aimed at making visible or informing through Instagram about the situation of foreign minors in Spain. Special emphasis was placed on the interest in knowing what formal elements of the image and the content of Instagram itself were used in these initiatives.

Aspects as relevant as the fight against stereotypes and rumors; knowing and immersing oneself in the reality of young people arriving in Spain; or even instances of adherence to the cause with direct invitations to users to join these campaigns, were part of the content analyzed.

The analysis highlights the importance of humanizing the narrative by telling the stories of unaccompanied migrant minors. By showing their faces, experiences and aspirations, empathy and awareness can be awakened in the audience, giving a voice to those who live this reality and generating a significant emotional impact. In addition, the inclusion of real testimonies of unaccompanied migrant minors, and of professionals dedicated to their protection and well-being, can enrich the narratives and contribute to a deeper understanding of the issue. Finally, to enhance the impact of campaigns, it is essential to encourage interaction with the audience through surveys, open-ended questions or challenges that stimulate reflection on the delicate situation.

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