
Within the TRAMASS project, different activities are being carried out focused on the dissemination of topics related to translation, transcreation and cultural mediation.

Translation of diverse and inclusive texts with AI

In March 2024, in the framework of the International Congress on Paratranslation, Interlingual and Transmedia (Paratradit), held at the University of Vigo, Juncal Gutiérrez Artacho and Francisco Ruiz Rodríguez presented the paper “Igualdad y Diversidad en la IA: análisis y evaluación de cómo ChatGPT funciona con textos diversos e inclusivos”, in which they analyzed how this artificial intelligence makes use of inclusive language.

In this presentation, the results of the AI were analyzed, highlighting the shortcomings of the OpenAI tool in the use of inclusive language when translating texts on migration, women and LGBTI+ groups.

Promoting good practices to inform on Instagram about migrant minors

Last April 26, 2024, TRAMASS team members, María Dolores Olvera Lobo, Juan Ignacio Martin Neira and the academic and researcher of the University of Granada, Magdalena Trillo Domínguez, presented the results of their research entitled “Instagram as a means of information and awareness about migrant minors: good practices from NGOs in Spain”, in the framework of the V International Congress of Communication and Networks in the Information Society, organized by the University of Salamanca.

The aim of this study was to identify and highlight the communication strategies carried out by Spanish NGOs, a sensitive border territory and main gateway to Europe, so that they can be replicated in other geographical contexts to promote social change.

This work will be published in the coming months in the special issue of the journal Visual Review (SCOPUS Q2), entitled Social Networks and Visual Culture.

Navigating Healthcare Access for Migrants in Spain

During the month of April 2024, TRAMASS team members María Dolores Olvera Lobo and Mar Díaz Millón presented the paper Navigating Healthcare Access for Migrants in Spain: A Scoping Review about Translation and Transcreation Strategies at the 2nd International Congress on Translation and Cultural Sustainability. Challenges and New Avenues.

The paper addresses the barriers in accessing the healthcare system for migrants in Spain through a literature review. Linguistic, administrative, gender, cultural, social and religious barriers faced by migrants were identified

Transcreation against chauvinism

During the month of February 2024 several media echoed the communication presented by TRAMASS team members Juncal Gutiérrez Artacho, María Dolores Olvera Lobo and Mar Díaz Millón in the framework of the Hermes Communication Congress, held in Lanzarote.

The presentation entitled “Interlinguistic and intercultural communication: transcreation in the context of migration” emphasized the possibilities of applying transcreation to favor the inclusion and reception of African citizens arriving in Spain.

In an environment such as that of the Canary Islands, with the thematic axis of immigration and its narrative in the media, these media praised the potential interest of transcreation.

The news has been published in the media Crónicas de Lanzarote, Biosfera digital and El periódico de Lanzarote.

Discovering ‘transcreation’: beyond translation

On 29 September 2023, in the framework of the European Researchers’ Night, researchers Irene Rivera Trigueros, Mar Díaz Millón, Juncal Gutiérrez Artacho and María Dolores Olvera Lobo carried out the workshop “Discovering transcreation: beyond translation“, in which they explained what transcreation is and how it influences our daily lives.

During this workshop they presented the TRAMASS project and highlighted the need to favour communication and how the application of translational strategies and linguistic and cultural adaptation can favour access to information for migrant communities.

¡Vive la interculturalidad!

Experience interculturality

Together with the Elín association, we produced the awareness-raising video “Vive la interculturalité!” In addition, the subtitles were translated into French and Arabic.

Diversity is an opportunity for enrichment for everyone. In this video, we share the non-material wealth that we all have: cultural and linguistic diversity, dreams, dignity, identity…

Building bridges

El pasado julio, la investigadora María Jiménez Castro colaboró en el Servicio de Interpretación y Mediación Intercultural (SIMI) del programa Salud Entre Culturas, perteneciente a la entidad Asociación para el Estudio de las Enfermedades Infecciosas (AEEI) en calidad de intérprete sanitaria. Durante estos talleres, se realizaron actividades de educación para la salud dirigidas a población migrante, en el marco del proyecto VH-COMSAVAC.

You can visit the website of Salud Entre Culturas, a TRAMASS partner organisation, to learn more about its cultural mediation work.